Sunday, May 17, 2009
Mental Health Tips for Surviving the Recession
As more and more people are feeling the stress of the recession, it can be more important than ever to take care of your mental health. These tips can help you keep the recession blues at bay.
Take time out
Prayer or meditation can be very relaxing. Take time out in the morning and in the evening to practice rituals that soothe your soul. Nature can have some powerful healing qualities as well. Visit a local park or lake or take a hike in the country. Take your dog along with you too. Pets can be very soothing, and studies have shown that they can bring a person’s anxiety level down.
Take it easy on yourself
This isn’t the time to beat yourself up. Many people are in the same boat, through no fault of their own. Be careful about the self-disparaging remarks, the one thing you can control is your attitude. Practice positive thinking to encourage your self every day.
Spend time with friends
Healthy positive relationships with friends and family can go a long way towards chasing away the blues. Human beings are social, and we require good relationships to be at our best. That doesn’t mean chatting with someone via e-mail or text message, we need personal contact with one another. So call up a friend or family member you have not seen in a while and make plans to get together.
Volunteering can be another way to get more social interaction. When you volunteer not only will you be helping yourself, you will get the good feeling of helping others.
Exercise can invigorate you and make you feel better about yourself. Especially if you see a few extra pounds coming off in the process. Exercise is also a great stress reliever, so don’t let your exercise routine slip during this time. Try to find some activity that you enjoy so that your exercise routine can be fun as well. If your old routine is getting boring, sign-up for some classes, try yoga or tai chi for example.
Eat a healthy diet
Find out what the correct calorie intake is for your age, height and sex and try to eat the right amount of calories each day. Fill up first on healthy fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Save the high calorie sweets for last and remember to drink plenty of water.
Get your rest
Get plenty of sleep. Getting a sufficient amount of sleep goes a long way towards improving mental health. Most people need around eight hours a night, some more and some less. Having an evening routine can help you to gear-down and get to sleep at night and avoid any caffeine after 2:00 p.m.
Seek help
If you have followed these tips and are still having difficulty coping, seek out professional help. Talk to your clergy or a trusted friend or seek out a qualified mental health professional. If finances are a problem, look for a local area mental health center where they have a sliding fee schedule.
Remember that we will eventually come out of the recession. To weather the storm however, a healthy outlook will be necessary. Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally during this rough time will ensure that you will be best able to weather the storm.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The world is a big place and those who love to travel aim to see as much of it as possible. But world travel world also presents a special set of challenges, including how to guarantee your safety and protection while abroad. You have access to insurance when you are at home but that may not offer enough or any coverage while you are traveling, which is where international travel insurance comes into play.
International travel insurance provides coverage against:
Medical coverage: If you are hurt or injured while traveling abroad, then medical insurance can save you great expenses and help ensure that you will get the medical attention you need.
International travel insurance is typically offered in variety of coverage levels and can even be increased by purchasing extra coverage options a la carte style. These additional insurance options can include adventure travel, legal advice, and medical evacuation.
Trip cancellation and interruption: Change is inevitable if you travel. Flight delays, late departures, sudden illness, and canceled events can all cause your plans to be interrupted or canceled. This protection can help you get your trip back on track without spending even more money.
Medical evacuation: If you are seriously injured while traveling abroad you may need to be evacuated to another location or country for more critical medical coverage. This coverage can be offered in travel medical insurance plans but often times is not, so purchasing medical evaluation can be added and is highly suggested for those traveling to remote locations or areas where medical care is rudimentary.
Lost or stolen baggage: If you lose your bags or are the victim of theft, this insurance coverage will help you replace your items and get your travel plans back on track.
Adventure travel insurance: If adventure is a part of your trip then having adventure travel insurance is designed with you in mind. Common travel sports that are covered by this type of insurance include hiking, water sports, and rock climbing. It’s important that if you will be participating in adventure sports you tell your international travel insurance upfront, otherwise you could void your coverage plan.
Legal advice: Having access to a lawyer can be an important option while traveling, especially if you are conducting business abroad or become involved in a legal matter. International travel insurance with legal advice gives you access to a lawyer without the unexpected and exorbitant costs that a spur of the moment legal issue can cause.
Explore Your International Travel Insurance
The world is a big place and those who love to travel aim to see as much of it as possible. But world travel world also presents a special set of challenges, including how to guarantee your safety and protection while abroad. You have access to insurance when you are at home but that may not offer enough or any coverage while you are traveling, which is where international travel insurance comes into play.
International travel insurance provides coverage against:
Medical coverage: If you are hurt or injured while traveling abroad, then medical insurance can save you great expenses and help ensure that you will get the medical attention you need.
International travel insurance is typically offered in variety of coverage levels and can even be increased by purchasing extra coverage options a la carte style. These additional insurance options can include adventure travel, legal advice, and medical evacuation.
Trip cancellation and interruption: Change is inevitable if you travel. Flight delays, late departures, sudden illness, and canceled events can all cause your plans to be interrupted or canceled. This protection can help you get your trip back on track without spending even more money.
Medical evacuation: If you are seriously injured while traveling abroad you may need to be evacuated to another location or country for more critical medical coverage. This coverage can be offered in travel medical insurance plans but often times is not, so purchasing medical evaluation can be added and is highly suggested for those traveling to remote locations or areas where medical care is rudimentary.
Lost or stolen baggage: If you lose your bags or are the victim of theft, this insurance coverage will help you replace your items and get your travel plans back on track.
Adventure travel insurance: If adventure is a part of your trip then having adventure travel insurance is designed with you in mind. Common travel sports that are covered by this type of insurance include hiking, water sports, and rock climbing. It’s important that if you will be participating in adventure sports you tell your international travel insurance upfront, otherwise you could void your coverage plan.
Legal advice: Having access to a lawyer can be an important option while traveling, especially if you are conducting business abroad or become involved in a legal matter. International travel insurance with legal advice gives you access to a lawyer without the unexpected and exorbitant costs that a spur of the moment legal issue can cause.
Be A Wise Traveler, Purchase Annual Travel Insurance
A wise traveler always purchases travel insurance before departing on any trip, but an even wiser one purchases annual travel insurance and doesn’t have to think about it again for the rest of the year. Annual travel insurance is ideal for any Australian who travels frequently and wants to remain protected in the case of any emergencies while abroad.
Annual travel insurance provides liability protection and coverage against certain extenuating circumstances that are outside of your control according to the need you outline when purchasing your travel plan. Premiums for annual travel insurance are priced in direct relation to the length of your trip, the destinations you are traveling to, and the amount of coverage you are seeking. Therefore, you are able to get an annual travel insurance plan that is catered specifically to your trip needs.
Medical annual travel insurance
It’s so important to have medical insurance when you are traveling. You never know when you are going to get sick, break a bone, or suffer some other type of medical emergency that will require you to seek medical attention. Having annual travel insurance that includes medical coverage can cover you against expensive medical fees and procedures that can wipe out your bank account.
Trip interruption cancelation
If you travel frequently then you know the chaos that cancelled or delayed trips can bring. Even a one hour delay can cause you to miss your connecting flight, be late for a once in a lifetime business meeting, and result in you missing the cruise of your dreams. Illness, accidents, and sudden changes in your schedule can also wreck havoc on plans. Don’t become a victim of circumstance when you can purchase trip interruption and cancelation insurance. This policy can help protect you whether you are on a business trip or vacation and keep you from being held personally liable for non-refundable fees and deposits.
Purchasing annual travel insurance can help:
Save money: Travel insurance policies all vary in price but annual travel insurance offers a discount in price compared to purchasing individual travel policies every time you travel.
Available for a family or group: Annual travel insurance often provides coverage for not just you but your entire family or a group of people. This means that for the cost of one insurance premium you can insure multiple people saving you the headache of extra paperwork and money.
You only apply once: One of the reasons that many people don’t purchase travel insurance is because they don’t want to be bothered with applying for it every time they leave, with annual travel insurance you only have to sign up once a year and you remain covered every single time you travel.
Auto car insurance Cheap and Reliable
Car insurance is a must if you drive a car. And you should not overlook it, because no one knows when he or she is going to face any fatal accidents. You can avoid accidents by taking precautions, and if you cannot, you need to be covered properly. If you ever face an accident, and you do not have an auto insurance, then it may cost you many things, so for your own safety, never ignore your auto insurance. The main problem many people face is the insurance rate. You can always look for cheap auto insurance policies. So that your insurance can fit you just like the way your car can.
You can take help from insurance agents to know about Hawaii auto car insurance quote. Agents usually have all the details regarding premium and other details. But sometimes for their companies sake they can ask you to go for the higher rate car insurance. And it is never been easier to find Hawaii cheap car insurance quote. What you can do is to take help from internet, as here are loads of sites, where you can get details about insurance quotes. From there you can easily go for the cheap one or whatever suits you the best. Finding cheap and reliable auto insurance quotes can be pretty much time consuming, and that is why many people go with the first result they get. We'd suggest you to give it a bit of time, and find the best one for your own good, so that you can get benefited.
If you are based in Hawaii, then you must be aware of different Hawaii Auto Car Insurance Companies Honolulu Maui OahuThere are many companies who can help you if you want cheap insurance rates for your car. Sometimes the car owners face problems when they want to migrate from one city to another. But in Hawaii loads of companies are there who will easily provide you the understatement, so that you face no problems while going to other cities. There are many ways how you can save your money, but if you want to save money from your insurance policies, there are very few companies like Hawaii Cheap Car Insurance Companies Honolulu Maui Oahu which can help you out.
But always try to avoid calling them up all the time you need to know something. The whole process is a bit time consuming, and sometimes pretty much frustrating too. It's a better option to gather the details over internet, so that you can save your time, and get to know the details even more carefully. Also, the sales person can speak in favour of their company, that may obstruct you from knowing the exact thing, but in case of internet, you can search, compare and then make your decisions. The basic things you must look for are coverage, insurance rates, discounts and customer care services. If you get all of them together, you need not think twice before going for that company. Auto insurance does not only secure your future but also provide you the peace, that in case of injury you are not standing alone. Stop thinking now, and go for cheap auto insurance to secure your future.
Stay Covered While You’re Abroad With Travel Health Insurance
Traveling without health insurance can have costly consequences. Medical stays, procedures, and other related expenses can bring travelers to their financial breaking points, even after the vacation has ended. There’s no need to suffer unnecessarily when purchasing travel health insurance can provide you the protection you need without the potential for financial hardship.
Purchasing travel health insurance should be one of the first things on your to-do list for your next trip. There is no way to know when you may be in need of medical care and you can’t afford to be without it. Before purchasing a travel health insurance plan, you should begin by reviewing your current medical insurance policy to see if it allows for any travel coverage both locally and internationally. Many travelers assume that their domestic health insurance policy will cover them no matter where they travel and that just isn’t true. Travel health insurance policies are designed specifically with travelers in mind and will afford them the medical coverage they need.
Most travel health insurance plans provide coverage for emergency medical care including, medical stays and evacuations, accidental death and dismemberment, surgeries, and medicines. Each travel health plan is different and the levels of coverage can vary, which is why it is important that you know your medical insurance needs beforehand. If you suffer from any pre-existing conditions, have known allergies, or are feeling under the weather close to the time of your trip, then these are even more reason why purchasing travel insurance can prove to be even more invaluable.
Finding a reputable travel health insurance company online is easier than ever and can help you save time and money. By doing a simple search on your favorite search engine, you can get instant access to travel insurance companies that are more than willing to provide you travel health insurance that will protect you and your loved ones while traveling. When conducting your search, it’s important that you consider not only the price of the coverage but the features and reputation of the company as well. Just because you find a low price doesn’t mean that you’ve gotten a bargain if the company doesn’t live up to its offered coverage.
Purchase only the travel health insurance you need, but don’t skimp on your coverage, it can really come back to haunt you.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Difficulties Met When Trying to Obtain Credit
The global economic crisis has caused a credit crunch worldwide, making it hard for individuals, small businesses, and even large companies to obtain the credit that they need in order to survive. This is causing companies to seek debt management in order to figure out what to do.
Due to the fact that credit is so hard to obtain, companies are laying off people, cutting down on orders, not growing and expanding their business and even at times making it difficult to meet weekly payroll. The affects of the credit crunch have been devastating to a number of industries. Automakers, which rely on customers being able to get access to credit to finance their purchase of their products, have simply been devastated. Most major global automakers have seen a drop over 30%, and some car companies have been doing even worse. Due to this fact, many carmakers around the world have been forced to seek loan guarantees from the government or even direct capital into their companies just to continue operations. Without direct government support, automakers would be forced to seek bankruptcy protections. During normal economic times, this wouldn’t necessary be a bad thing, but during this economic crisis, if a company were to go into bankruptcy protection, it would be highly unlikely that they would be able to get the credit they need while they reorganize their business.
Banks are also taking the brunt of the pain during the global economic crisis. Due to the fact that so many people are unable to pay back the loans that they are supposed to repay, banks are losing a ton of revenue. In addition, the banks got affected again because they are holding mortgages which are considered “toxic”. As a result of all the foreclosures, banks are extremely scared to lend money because they are worried that they will lose more money. Banks carry the stigma of being a cause of the crisis, but certainly is can be argued that they have been affected more than almost any other industry. Credit Card companies have been affected, and as a result they are cutting the limits of their consumers credit cards, which in terms affects overall spending throughout the economy.
Your Credit Score and Debt Advice..!
When a person seeks debt advice, often times they will be lead in the direction of what their credit score is. This is because your personal credit score is one of the most important numbers in your whole life. This score determines how much credit you can obtain, what the interest rate will be, and even in some states how much you will pay for car insurance. In addition, a cell phone company will run your credit before you are able to get a contract with them. If your credit is not up to par, you may not be able to get a contract.
If one does not have a good credit score, there are a number of pieces of debt advice that they can be given in order to improve their credit score. Being on time with your payments is a major factor that can really improve your credit score. In addition, not having your credit run too often can often times improve your credit score. When a person has a large amounts of inquiries into their credit report can be a red flag because they maybe are trying to run up more debt then they can afford to handle and pay back. Also, the longer you have your accounts open, the better it looks, and will lead to a better credit score.
Lenders like to see stability, because they means that they have a much better chance of getting a return on their investment. In addition, the amount of debt you have can affect your credit score. If your credit cards are all almost to the limit, then you are either spending too much money or are overextended, which means you are a risk to lend money too. There are so many reasons why your credit score is so important, and this is why often times when someone is seeking debt advice that special attention is given to what their credit score is and what steps can be taken in order to improve it.
Debt Consolidation and Manipulation!
Today, consumers affected by debt problems have many alternatives to consider. One such alternative is that of debt consolidation. Debt consolidation occurs when consumers in essence take out one loan in order to pay of multiple creditors. These loans usually are at a much lower interest rate than other debts. This is deliberate as securing a lower interest rate aids in a quicker repayment period as more of the payment is applied toward the principal of the loan. This is often a wise option to consider before taking a more drastic measure such as bankruptcy.
If you own considerable money on credit cards, the debt consolidation may be a viable option for you. Often credit cards have interest rates that are high, much higher than loan rates offered by banks. Banks can provide consolidation loans to help consumers pay off high interest debt. If consumers own property that can be put up as collateral, such as a home or car, this can help them secure an even lower interest rate on their consolidation loan.
There are some things to be aware of when considering a debt consolidation loan. Often, loans may in reality be a home equity loan. The equity in your home would go toward paying off your debts, which often times includes a great deal of unsecured debt. As a result, you’ve now paid off this unsecured debt by putting your home at risk. If you are unable to pay, you could lose your home. Consumers must carefully study the fees associated with such loans. Sometimes the fees may be especially exorbitant which will not produce the desired result, which is to pay off your debts in a timely manner. Additionally, pay close attention to the terms of the loan. While a company may offer you a low monthly payment, it might be because they have extended the loan over a very lengthy period of time.
This may actual increase your debt load. Sometimes consumers on the brink of bankruptcy may be forced into securing a particular consolidation loan and not provided the opportunity to shop around for the best deal. While these risks may seem scary, there are many credible businesses offering consolidation loans. It’s just important to know what’s right and what could be wrong.
Advice for those seeking debt help.
When people seek debt advice, most often they are referring to the credit card balances that they are carrying. Credit card debt is a crushing problem for many people, and causes stress, budge problems, and hurts the general economy because people are unable to spend money in other areas. There are a number of tips that people can use in order use credit cards responsibility.
There is a school of thought that people should not have credit cards at all, because if you don’t pay the balance off at the end of the month, you are charged interest. There is a thought among many people that when you hand over a card, there is no emotion in that process. In contrast, when you hand over cash, there is more emotion to that and it can cause people to be more careful. Most experts do advise that you have at least one credit card, because of an emergency that can come up without notice. In addition, in order to rent a car or a hotel, often times a consumer must have a credit card.
A credit card does have one major advantage from other forms of payment because of the fact that it is very secure, and if you have a problem, they will support you. If someone does have large credit card balances, it is very important to have a plan in order to tackle that debt management issues. There is a school of thought that you take all your credit cards and gather the interest rate, and pay that card off first. After you pay the highest interest card off, then you tackle the card that has the next highest interest rate.
In addition, you take amount that you were paying on the first card and use that money, in addition to the money you were paying on the second card, in order to pay the next credit card off faster. By doing this, you are going to knock your debt off faster, and get the most out of the money you are spending in order to get your balances down. By getting debt advice and using various tactics to tackle your credit card debt, it can really have a positive effect in getting your credit cards under control.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Are you driving with the right van insurance cover?
If you’ve just taken possession of a new van or are about to acquire one you will be considering your insurance options and looking closely at the most cost effective way to cover it. Choosing the right van insurance is vital in more ways than one. Not only do you need to select insurance cover appropriate to your needs, you also need to be confident that you are not paying too much for it.
There are literally thousands of insurance options out there in the market place so making sure you have the cover that best matches your requirements is an important consideration.
Here are some of the most important issues that you may want to address as you try to home in on the ideal van insurance product.
1. Your range of cover is also an important consideration, although different companies' policies vary, there are essentially three main types of insurance cover: Third party, third party fire and theft & comprehensive cover, which can offer protection for accidental damage, theft, fire damage as well as liability towards third parties. Does the value of your van warrant comprehensive cover? Can you afford not to have it?
2. Another consideration is where to source your insurance policy? The Internet is a great resource when it comes to finding the perfect insurance policy. Not only should you look at some of the more well-known and reputable names in the insurance industry but there are also an increasing amount of comparison sites that will check out deals across companies.
3. Make sure you provide the correct information. Don’t let a technicality, oversight or simple error cause a delay or failed payout should you need to make a claim. Get things right the first time. If there are any terms or expressions that you don’t fully understand be sure to ask for clarification. Terms such as indemnity, excess, predicted no claims bonus and insurable interest excess can confuse the most seasoned of drivers.
It’s worth having a good look around and not committing to the first insurance company you come across or the first insurance policy that you are offered. Good luck.
Buying a new van? - things to consider with your van insurance
Buying a new van is an important process and there are a multitude of factors when considering the best option. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what you need the vehicle to do and how you will finance the van? Will you pay cash or are you looking to free up working capital by choosing a van lease with a regular monthly payment?
Perhaps the best place to start is by looking carefully at your budget. Your budget should incorporate a number of considerations such as: day-to-day running costs, breakdown cover, maintenance, upkeep and livery. How economical is it to run? When making your calculations perhaps the most important cost consideration other than buying the van itself is the cost of van insurance. It’s critical to factor your van insurance into your overall cost.
Van Insurance:
Not withstanding the fact that insurance is legally compulsory, the basis of an insurance policy is in effect a difference of opinion between you (the insured) and the insurance company. The Policy and premium will be based upon a number of factors including: where the vehicle will be driven, where it will be parked at night, what it will transport, who will drive it etc.
Here are some tips that can help keep your van insurance costs down:
• Be smart. Pragmatism is the key. Avoid oversized engines or modified vans which might push up the premium costs.
• Is the van for business or personal use? Make sure your insurer is aware if the vehicle is only for personal use – it could save you a lot of money.
• How much cover do you really need? Don’t buy unnecessary coverage but be sure to take sufficient insurance. For example are you paying for EU coverage when it’s unlikely you will take the vehicle abroad? Does your policy sufficiently cover anyone injured in an accident?
• What about the excess? Could you afford to pay for small repairs yourself and thereby protect your no claims? A no claims discount can save you as much as 70%.
• Park the van securely overnight - on a private drive way or in a garage
• Leave the van empty overnight.
• Add safety anti-theft devices and other safety equipment. Secure doors, alarm system, ignition lock and immobilizers will keep the cost of your premium down.
Good quality, cheap van insurance is out there with some companies sifting through hundreds of policy options to find the best quality cheap van insurance available. Take this advice, go online and grab yourself a great deal today.
Buying a new van? - things to consider with your van insurance
Buying a new van is an important process and there are a multitude of factors when considering the best option. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what you need the vehicle to do and how you will finance the van? Will you pay cash or are you looking to free up working capital by choosing a van lease with a regular monthly payment?
Perhaps the best place to start is by looking carefully at your budget. Your budget should incorporate a number of considerations such as: day-to-day running costs, breakdown cover, maintenance, upkeep and livery. How economical is it to run? When making your calculations perhaps the most important cost consideration other than buying the van itself is the cost of van insurance. It’s critical to factor your van insurance into your overall cost.
Van Insurance:
Not withstanding the fact that insurance is legally compulsory, the basis of an insurance policy is in effect a difference of opinion between you (the insured) and the insurance company. The Policy and premium will be based upon a number of factors including: where the vehicle will be driven, where it will be parked at night, what it will transport, who will drive it etc.
Here are some tips that can help keep your van insurance costs down:
• Be smart. Pragmatism is the key. Avoid oversized engines or modified vans which might push up the premium costs.
• Is the van for business or personal use? Make sure your insurer is aware if the vehicle is only for personal use – it could save you a lot of money.
• How much cover do you really need? Don’t buy unnecessary coverage but be sure to take sufficient insurance. For example are you paying for EU coverage when it’s unlikely you will take the vehicle abroad? Does your policy sufficiently cover anyone injured in an accident?
• What about the excess? Could you afford to pay for small repairs yourself and thereby protect your no claims? A no claims discount can save you as much as 70%.
• Park the van securely overnight - on a private drive way or in a garage
• Leave the van empty overnight.
• Add safety anti-theft devices and other safety equipment. Secure doors, alarm system, ignition lock and immobilizers will keep the cost of your premium down.
Good quality, cheap van insurance is out there with some companies sifting through hundreds of policy options to find the best quality cheap van insurance available. Take this advice, go online and grab yourself a great deal today.
How to be fuel efficient in your van
Spiralling fuel costs, sky high town centre parking charges, congestion charging…all of these factors have recently made running your van which is van an integral part of your business an expensive drain on your resources. But don’t give up and resort to a horse and cart to keep your customers. There are other ways to save on your transport costs, so now is the time to get creative, reduce unnecessary spending and drive those costs down.
Cut your spending on fuel
Fuel prices rocketed last year, with the price of crude oil peaking at just over $147 per barrel in July 2008. Prices have gone down significantly since then, but the prices at the pumps have failed to match the falls. Here’s how to save £££’s on your fuel costs.
- Shop around – Prices at the pumps vary from station to station, but driving around looking for the cheapest fuel just uses more. You can shop around for the cheapest prices for petrol, diesel and LPG by using free price check websites (check out, which are updated daily to tell you the cheapest petrol stations in your area.
The savings can really add up there can be a difference of as much up to 20p per litre for fuel between forecourts, so if you shop around, you could save hundreds of pounds per year.
- Drive carefully – You may be in a hurry, but putting your foot down to get there on time, stopping and starting and darting in and out of traffic could be draining your fuel and your wallet. Speed up more smoothly (and don’t over-rev), drive in the highest gear possible for your speed (below 3,000 revs) without labouring the engine and don’t brake hard. You’ll go further for less if you remember these rules. Careful driving also leads to cheap van insurance premiums.
- Lighten your load – The more your van carries around, the harder the engine needs to work, and the more fuel you use. Check the back of your vehicle, de-junk it of any unnecessary weight, take off roof racks and roof boxes when you’re not using them, carry only what you need and you’ll save fuel and money.
- Check your tyres – Underinflated tyres make your engine work much harder to keep up the same speed, so you use more fuel. Check the manual to make sure your using the right pressure and your tyres will work harder for you and easier on your engine.
- Open the window – In-car air conditioning runs off the engine, which uses up your fuel. If you’re driving about town, open your window and get some fresh air instead.
- Think green when buying – if you’re investing in a new van, find out about the fuel efficiency and official CO2 emissions for the model you want (have a look at Most new cars and vans in a showroom have a colour-coded fuel efficiency rating as a guide to the running costs you can expect so you can compare how much different vehicles cost to run. Choosing a van with a “greener” engine means that you’ll reduce your CO2 emissions, burn less fuel, and you’ll also save money on your commercial van insurance.
- Petrol or diesel? – Depending on the type of travel you do (i.e. mostly town or motorway), different fuel types can mean better fuel efficiency and fewer emissions. The type of fuel engine you choose can also affect the price of your van insurance.
Follow these tips for tip-top fuel efficiency, lower running costs and more cash in your pocket.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Does the stereotypical "white van man" still exist?
Ever since Radio 2 DJ Sarah Kennedy coined the phrase “White Van Man” in 1997, drivers of these ubiquitous commercial vehicles have been tarnished with a reputation that precedes them wherever they drive.
Hearing the phrase “White Van Man” instantly conjures up images of aggressive, intimidating and discourteous male drivers who hog the road, tailgate old ladies, flash their lights, regularly line their arteries in greasy spoon cafes (when they’re not on the road), drive recklessly with no regard for their fellow road users, display several copies of The Daily Star on the dash and can’t drive past a pretty girl without commenting on her pleasing appearance.
But are all drivers of white vans guilty of these crimes against motoring? It all seems a bit of a joke, but the true “White Van Man” is in a small minority and there are respectful and careful white van men (and ladies) out there too, who are paying the price for their reckless cousins’ anti-social actions. Business owners are having to pay higher van insurance premiums, even though the drivers they employ may in fact be careful and respectful road users.
White Van Man has, rightly or wrongly, a terrible reputation on the UK’s roads. All of us, at some time or another, will have experienced that breed of commercial vehicle driver who drives so close that you can’t even see his headlights, who pulls out in front of you with no warning, and who aggressively flashes his lights and gestures colourfully at the decent, responsible motoring public for daring to share the same road space as him. The true “White Van Man” is right up (or down) there with football hooligans when it comes to social undesirability. But for every one of these van-wielding Neanderthals, there are thousand of careful van drivers (and of course, though in a minority, some are female) who are battling this stereotype every day.
While all van drivers have a job to do, and most do it in a timely fashion with consideration for other road users, the belief of the “White Van Man” that their job is more important and time-restricted than others, combined with the belief that the road does in fact belong to them alone, may lead to their aggressive stance on the road. Most “White Van Men” also generally work within their local area and know all the short cuts and roads better than taxi drivers, so if you get in their way and slow them down…prepare for those flashing lights and blaring horns.
For most responsible and careful commercial van drivers, their vehicle is a crucial tool of their trade. The high cost of fuel, congestion charges and more make this essential element of their business an increasingly expensive one, made even worse by the lack of access to cheap van insurance because of the undeserved reputation that precedes them.
However, there is hope on the horizon for white van drivers who feel maligned and out of pocket because of their high company van insurance premiums. Some insurance companies will now offer lower priced commercial van insurance to individuals who have earned a bonus on their private car. Finally, justice for the considerate white van drivers, who can at last distance themselves from that aggressive and dangerous reputation, at least when it comes to cheap van insurance.
Why do couriers and delivery drivers pay more for insurance?
When you get a quote for your van insurance, the price will depend on a number of factors including your line of business and annual mileage. Courier firms and delivery drivers usually pay higher commercial van insurance premiums because they run high volume deliveries to a wider area and have a relatively high annual mileage. The insurance quotes that they receive will be higher than drivers that work within a small local area, or non-commercial van drivers.
If you use your vehicle or vehicles for transporting goods or people in return for payment, you need to get courier van insurance. Couriers and delivery drivers transport multiple goods for multiple customers, and need insurance that covers their vehicle and the goods in transit.
Those who transport goods of any sort around in their vehicle need a special type of commercial van insurance – extra goods in transit insurance - that also covers those goods. This will usually come as a separate policy from your usual van insurance policy, and it helps to provide cover for goods if they are stolen, damaged in an accident in your vehicle, lost, or damaged while in transit. You need both types of insurance because it is against the law to fail to do so and because it protects both your interests, and your customers’ goods in transit.
If your company runs more than one commercial van, you should get quotes for fleet insurance for all your vehicles. This can save you a lot of time and money, whether you run two commercial vehicles or 200. You must get coverage that covers all the different types of use of your vehicles to ensure that you are fully covered in any event.
Courier van insurance is not always cheap van insurance and often costs more because commercial vehicles are usually larger than average vehicles, and can inflict a lot more damage if you are unlucky enough to have an accident. However, paying that bit extra for special commercial courier van insurance is much better to protect you and your business, and you can save on your insurance costs overall by insuring all your named drivers, increasing your excess, and ensuring that your vehicle or vehicles are kept secure at night.
You can also reduce your overall commercial van insurance costs by combining your vehicle insurance with courier insurance under the same insurance company. This way, you get more benefits and pay less than you would by holding two or more policies with different companies. Taking out your insurance policies with one company also saves on paperwork and makes it easier to keep track of payments, and you are likely to benefit from multiple policy discounts and get relatively cheap van insurance if you stick with just one insurer. However, if you are not able to get any discounts, you may be able to get a fixed rate for your commercial van insurance and your goods in transit insurance, which means that your premiums will not increase in subsequent years.
Remember - there are many insurance companies out there who will offer you cheap van insurance – but make sure that you shop around to find not only the best deal, but the most comprehensive cover for your vehicle and the goods you transport, to fully protect yourself and your customers’ interests for years to come.
Options for Affordable Health Insurance
Every day many more people are finding themselves out of a job during this recession. With the loss of a job comes the loss of health insurance coverage. Finding affordable health insurance to replace an employer-sponsored plan, is becoming a high priority for many families.
If you have lost your job and need to find affordable health insurance coverage for yourself and your family, there are many options available. The first step is to learn what the different plans have to offer and how they differ.
What COBRA has to Offer
If you have just lost your job, the first thing you will need to do is to check into COBRA. COBRA allows you to continue on your employer’s health insurance plan for up to 18 months after loosing your job. If you have a pre-existing condition, COBRA can be a good option, however it can be expensive because your employer will no longer be paying a portion of the cost. You will have to pay the entire amount yourself.
If COBRA does not look like a good option for your family, there are a number of other types of insurance plans available. You will need to do some research and become familiar with some of the terms and what they mean before you can make a wise decision about which plan to choose.
Types of Insurance
There are basically 2 types of health insurance. One is fee-for-service which, is the traditional type of health insurance in which you can choose any doctor or hospital you wish. The amount of choices you get with a fee-for-service plan is a plus, but the cost of this type of insurance can be quite high. Alternatives to a fee-for-service plans are managed-care plans and Health Savings Accounts.
Managed care plans include Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Point-of-Service Plans (POS).
Under a Health Maintenance Organization or HMO, you choose a primary doctor who participates in the plan’s network and then all of your care is directed by that physician. If any test or visits to a specialist are required, that primary care physician must issue a referral and the specialist must be a part of that HMO’s network. HMO’s have the buying power of a large organization so you can often get your medical services for less and they are also focused on keeping costs down. Therefore, an HMO can be a less expensive option for health insurance. However, if you see a physician out-of-network or have any procedures done without prior approval, it can be expensive.
With a Preferred Provider Organization or PPO plan, there is also a list of participating doctors and hospitals, however you have the freedom to see any doctor who is part of the plan’s network. You do not have to designate a primary care physician. If you wish to be able to see health care providers outside the plan’s network, you will have to pay a higher coinsurance rate.
A Point-of-Service Plan or a POS has some similarities to an HMO and a traditional health insurance plan. With a POS, if you choose your primary doctor from within the plan’s network of physicians, then your costs will stay low. However, if you choose to go outside of the network, your costs will be much higher. The advantage of a POS health insurance plan is that you get the cost savings of an HMO but you still have the freedom to see physicians outside the network as well.
A Health Savings Account
Another option for saving on your health insurance coverage is to open a Health Savings Account or an HSA. An HSA is a savings account for people who have a high deductible health insurance plan. Money is deposited into a special HSA account where it earns interest that is tax-free and the money is not taxed when it is used for qualified medical expenses. HSAs will also have a network of health care providers and your cost will be lower if you choose to stay within the network. As with the POS, you do have the option to go outside the network but at a higher cost to you.
If you have lost your job and find yourself in need of affordable health insurance, the first step is to look into COBRA to see if it is the best option. If it is not, then the next step is to research the managed care options as well as a health care savings account. After you learn about the different plans and how they work, you will be able to make the best choice for meeting your family’s health insurance needs.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Individual and Group Health Insurance
Switching from group to individual health insurance is a change many people are currently facing. There can be some big differences between the two types of insurance and their cost. Becoming familiar with some of those basic differences will help you to know what to expect.
Group health insurance
Group health insurance is purchased by your employer from a health insurance company. Everyone who is eligible can receive coverage under the plan. Group health insurance is less costly than individual health insurance, because you have the buying power of the group. The insurance company bases the premium upon a calculation of how much insurance the group as a whole will use. However, if you are buying individual health insurance, the calculation of your premium is not based on a group, it's based on you alone. That is why individual health insurance can be so expensive.
Individual health insurance
Individual health insurance is health insurance that you purchase from an insurance company on your own, and not through an employer. You can choose coverage for either yourself or your self and your family, individual policies often provide less coverage than group policies do. Under an individual plan, some services such as substance abuse treatment may not be covered.
Another important difference between group and individual health insurance is that with group insurance, the law requires the insurance company to cover everyone who works for that employer. With individual health insurance, companies are not required to issue you a policy. This can be very alarming for people who have pre-existing conditions. If you have recently lost your job, it can be surprising to find out that even though you have been covered under a group plan, there is no assurance that you will be able to obtain individual health insurance coverage.
In some states, health insurance companies are allowed to issue policies to people with pre-existing conditions, but they are issued with an exclusionary rider. That means that any services for the pre-existing condition are not covered. Each state has its own laws overseeing how individual health insurance is administered. Therefore, plans can very a great deal from state to state. Plans can also vary from one insurance company to another. Be sure to check around and compare quotes and plans from several different companies before making a decision.
COBRA as an option
One of the first options presented to people who have lost their health insurance coverage is COBRA. COBRA stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and it allows you to continue on your employer's health insurance plan for up to 18 months after losing your job. However, there are several situations in which employees would not be eligible for COBRA coverage such as, if the company employed less than 20 people and went out of business, or if it dropped its group health insurance or went into bankruptcy.
One of the drawbacks of COBRA is the expense. Under COBRA you have to pay the entire amount of your health insurance coverage. Whereas when you were employed, your employer paid a portion of your benefits. One recent development that will be beneficial to COBRA recipients is that after March 1, 2009 recipients will only have to pay 35% of the cost of the monthly premium and the federal government will pay the remainder for up to nine months.
If you have recently lost your group health insurance, switching to individual health insurance will cause the cost of your health insurance to increase. Understanding the different types of insurance and how they work, will help you to prepare. If you have pre-existing conditions and are concerned about finding individual health insurance coverage, investigate COBRA and find out if it is an option. Also, check with several different health insurance companies and compare the costs before you make a decision.
Finding a Pennsylvania Car Insurance Agent
When buying Pennsylvania car insurance you need to find an agent who knows the industry and who can be trusted. After all, buying Pennsylvania car insurance is a big step because this is a lot of money coming out of your bank account each month. Additionally, you want your insurance to cover any mistakes that you may make on the road as well as negligence from other drivers. Now are you beginning to see why it is so crucial to do business with the right Pennsylvania car insurance agent?
Once you find an agent you trust everything else will more or less fall into place. Your agent should not only offer you information on the best policies, but should also be a friend who can help you realize what is best for you and your personal situation. Remember, when you spend money on Pennsylvania car insurance your agent is getting paid. For this reason, they are inclined to push certain products on you. That being said, you can find a Pennsylvania car insurance agent who wants what is best for you and him. This is a mutual business relationship that is sure to benefit both parties.
You can look in many places to find a highly reputable Pennsylvania car insurance agent. If you look online you should be able to move forward soon. There are enough agents in Pennsylvania that finding an honest one in your area should be easy enough.
The above information should help if you are interested in finding a Pennsylvania car insurance. And if you need a policy your interest level should be sky high!
New to Virginia? Find the Right Insurance Today
Are you new to the state of Virginia? If so, you know that things may be different than what you are used to. That being said, you can continue with your life as normal if you make all the right moves. One thing that you don’t want to forget about is finding the right insurance. This holds true with all types of insurance policies including auto, home, renters, etc. If you don’t have the right insurance you are making a mistake and taking a big risk. Is that how you want to start your new life in Virginia? Probably not.
Take auto insurance for example. If you now have a Virginia license you will probably want to search for auto insurance that better suits your new living situation. There are many companies that sell auto insurance to consumers in the state of Virginia, and you need to touch base with several of them to make sure that you get the right deal.
If you are having a difficult time finding what you need you should turn to a professional, also known as a Virginia insurance agent. When you have an insurance agent working on your team, things will become much easier on you. Your agent can offer information on the way that things work in Virginia, how much you are going to pay, and of course, what they have to offer.
As a new resident in Virginia you need to have a good plan of how you are going to get hooked up with the right insurance. Fortunately, there are agents who can make your Virginia transfer much less stressful.
Government Measures to Help with Health Insurance
The rising unemployment rate is causing not just job loss but also the loss of valuable health insurance coverage for many people. In response, the federal government has enacted new legislation to help with COBRA coverage as well as state aid to families with children.
Changes to COBRA
COBRA stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1986. Under COBRA, if you worked for a company that had more than 20 employees, then you are able to continue on the group health insurance plan for as much as 18 months. The downside of COBRA is that it can be quite expensive. In most states, recipients report that COBRA payments account for more than 75% of their unemployment benefit. However, under the recently passed Economic Stimulus Package, you could be eligible for assistance with 65% of your COBRA premium.
To qualify for the program you must have lost your job between September 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009. Your income must be less than $125,000 for an individual and less than $250,000 a year for a family. If you did not take advantage of COBRA initially, you can still sign up for it. If you did sign up for COBRA coverage, you won't get any money back for the premiums you have already paid, but you will be eligible for assistance from the point after the law has taken effect. Under the new law you will pay 35% of the premium, and the government pays the other 65%. Your assistance could continue for as much as nine months.
State Children's Health Insurance Program
Another measure the federal government has taken recently to help people with health insurance coverage is to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program or SCHIP. The law will provide $32 billion to the program over the next five years and expand coverage to from 7 to 11 million children. SCHIP is designed to provide health care coverage for children up to age 19 and pregnant women, in families whose income is low, but not low enough to qualify for Medicaid. A portion of the funding will come from an increase in the tax on cigarettes.
Under SCHIP, the federal government provides the states with matching funds to provide health care for families with children. To qualify, families could earn only up to 200% of the poverty level. Under the new law, families can earn up to 300% of the poverty level and still qualify for SCHIP. Each state has set up their program differently, so programs can vary from state to state.
If you find yourself out of a job and out of health insurance, two recent measures by the federal government may provide some assistance. The first are changes to the COBRA program in which the government could pick up to 65% of the cost of your health insurance premium. The other is the expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Either of these options could provide short-term assistance with health insurance coverage.
Mental Health Tips for Surviving the Recession
As more and more people are feeling the stress of the recession, it can be more important than ever to take care of your mental health. These tips can help you keep the recession blues at bay.
Take time out
Prayer or meditation can be very relaxing. Take time out in the morning and in the evening to practice rituals that soothe your soul. Nature can have some powerful healing qualities as well. Visit a local park or lake or take a hike in the country. Take your dog along with you too. Pets can be very soothing, and studies have shown that they can bring a person’s anxiety level down.
Take it easy on yourself
This isn’t the time to beat yourself up. Many people are in the same boat, through no fault of their own. Be careful about the self-disparaging remarks, the one thing you can control is your attitude. Practice positive thinking to encourage your self every day.
Spend time with friends
Healthy positive relationships with friends and family can go a long way towards chasing away the blues. Human beings are social, and we require good relationships to be at our best. That doesn’t mean chatting with someone via e-mail or text message, we need personal contact with one another. So call up a friend or family member you have not seen in a while and make plans to get together.
Volunteering can be another way to get more social interaction. When you volunteer not only will you be helping yourself, you will get the good feeling of helping others.
Exercise can invigorate you and make you feel better about yourself. Especially if you see a few extra pounds coming off in the process. Exercise is also a great stress reliever, so don’t let your exercise routine slip during this time. Try to find some activity that you enjoy so that your exercise routine can be fun as well. If your old routine is getting boring, sign-up for some classes, try yoga or tai chi for example.
Eat a healthy diet
Find out what the correct calorie intake is for your age, height and sex and try to eat the right amount of calories each day. Fill up first on healthy fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Save the high calorie sweets for last and remember to drink plenty of water.
Get your rest
Get plenty of sleep. Getting a sufficient amount of sleep goes a long way towards improving mental health. Most people need around eight hours a night, some more and some less. Having an evening routine can help you to gear-down and get to sleep at night and avoid any caffeine after 2:00 p.m.
Seek help
If you have followed these tips and are still having difficulty coping, seek out professional help. Talk to your clergy or a trusted friend or seek out a qualified mental health professional. If finances are a problem, look for a local area mental health center where they have a sliding fee schedule.
Remember that we will eventually come out of the recession. To weather the storm however, a healthy outlook will be necessary. Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally during this rough time will ensure that you will be best able to weather the storm.
Tips for Keeping Your Heart Healthy
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The most important way that you can prevent a heart attack is to change your lifestyle. The three most important areas to change are to improve your nutrition, increase your exercise and stop smoking. Improvements in these three areas can reduce your chances of a heart attack and increase your chance is a long and healthy life
Your goal should be to burn as many calories as you take in each day. Start by learning how many calories you are currently taking in by keeping a notebook. Log everything you eat and then calculate the calories at the end of each day. Then, you will need to find out what your calorie intake should be for your height and age.
Improve your nutrition
Improving your diet is not just about cutting back on calories, but it's about choosing the best foods. Foods that can either be nutrient rich or nutrient poor. Nutrient rich foods include fruits and vegetables and whole grains foods. Fruits and vegetables have lots of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and whole grain foods have a high amount of fiber. Nutrient poor foods are those that are high in calories, but low in nutrients. These include non-diet sodas, candy and other sweets. For a heart healthy diet, you should also limit the amount of high cholesterol foods each day, try to stay under 300 mg per day. Limit the amount of snack foods you have, and also try to cut back on your daily salt intake.
Increase exercise
25% of Americans lead sedentary lifestyles, causing them to be overweight. Increasing exercise is an important factor to preventing heart disease and it can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Most people should be exercising 30 minutes, 5 days per week. That time can even be broken down into 10 minute exercise periods throughout the day.
Start out with a stretching routine, and then a warm-up before you begin your exercise regime. This can prevent muscle injury and strain. Nothing will derail a new exercise program like sore muscles or an injury. After the warm up, they you will move into the calorie burning portion of your exercise. This should be a moderate level of exertion. You should not be going so hard that you cannot still talk during the exercise. After the calorie burning portion, then you will move into a “cool down” period while your heart rate returns to normal.
Stop smoking
Smoking kills about 440,000 people in the US every year. The more cigarettes, a person smokes, the greater their chances for getting heart disease. Women who smoke and take birth control pills, greatly increase their chances of a heart attack. Smoking increases your chance for heart disease, because it decreases the amount of oxygen that gets to the heart, and increases blood clotting and blood pressure.
If you want to keep your heart healthy, there are our several important steps you can take. The first is to choose healthy, nutrient rich foods in your diet. The second is to increase your physical activity and the third is to stop smoking. If you incorporate all of these changes into y
Life's Too Short - 10 things to do before you die
Travel, learn new skills and jump out of a plane – tips on making the most of every day!
We’re not on this planet for that long and we owe it to ourselves to make the most of our time here. So without further delay, here are 10 must-do-now (or soon-ish, anyway!) ideas to aspire to (plus tips on how to pay for it all at the end).
1) See the world
Write a wish list of countries – places you absolutely must see before you die – and then start ticking them off. If you want to explore the Silk Road, book a trip to China. If you want to visit the arctic – what’s stopping you? But wherever you go, don’t forget your passport, toothbrush and travel insurance.
2) Work Abroad
If a holiday is not long enough away, and your circumstances permit, then why not go work abroad? There’s no better way to immerse yourself in another culture. Nurses, doctors, engineers etc. should have no trouble finding work in a foreign land. Otherwise, why not get yourself TEFL qualified, and then go and teach English in some far-flung, exotic locale.
3) Learn new skills
You’re never too old to learn a brand new skill: learn to cook; twist your tongue around a foreign language; choose an instrument and start banging out tunes; or further your education – pass those GCSEs, enrol in a degree, a diploma or a certificate.
4) Step out of your comfort zone
Challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before. Trade creature comforts for actual creatures by heading off an adventure into the wild. Or why not experience the terrifying thrill of jumping out of a plane or doing a bungee jump. Maybe conquer a phobia. If you’re terrified of spiders, for instance, hypnotherapy could help annihilate your arachnophobia.
5) Become an easy rider
If owning a motorbike has always been a dream – realise it! You’ll need to get qualified first (details of which can be found here), but once that’s done, just get yourself a bike and the thrill of the open road on two wheels is yours. Follow the link for tips on buying a motorbike.
6) Do your bit for the community
Why not take some time out of your busy schedule and give a little back to the community. You could try pitching in at the local youth club; volunteering at a charity shop or with your local Meals on Wheels; or cleaning out your wardrobe to give old clothes away.
7) Go green
Help the planet by going green. Recycle those envelopes that come through the mail, put a jumper on instead of cranking up the heating, and cycle to work instead of taking the car. These small changes are easy to adopt and could save you money as well. And the next time you book a holiday abroad on the credit card, reduce your carbon footprint by planting a tree in your back garden at the same time.
8) Find that special someone
If you’re single and have written up a list of must-do things, you’ll enjoy them even more by sharing the experience with someone special. True love could be just a mouse click away if you sign up to a dating agency.
If you’re married or in a long-term relationship, why not say, “I do” all over again. Plan a holiday to a romantic destination and renew your wedding vows.
9) Get healthy and stay healthy
Chances are, the healthier you are, the longer you’ll live, and the more time you’ll have to do all the things that are on your list. So join a gym, hit the pavement, buy a bicycle, stock the fridge with nutritious nibbles or swing your hips at a local dance class.
10) Plan now for your future
Think ahead to when it’s time to give up work. The earlier you start a pension, the more comfortable you’ll be in retirement. If your employer has a good pension scheme, consider joining.
But how am I going to finance my wish list?
Well, you’ll need to free up some money. Review your credit cards, loans and mortgage to see if you’re paying too much in interest. If you are, consider changing to a better deal – you may be surprised by how much you could save.
Conversely, if you’re not earning enough on your savings, why not see if you can make your money work harder for you by changing to an account that pays a higher rate of interest.
Finally, if you hold any policies such as life insurance, shop around to see if you can reduce your premiums.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
DCAP Announces Sale of New York State Retail Locations and Delay in Filing Form 10-K for 2008
DCAP Group, Inc. announced that it has agreed to sell its New York State based chain of retail insurance brokerages, Barry Scott Agency and DCAP Accurate Agency. The sale is expected to close before the end of April, subject to certain conditions including the obtaining of certain approvals with regard to the transfer of the brokerage clients and the transfer of the retail location leases.
“Our Board has approved management’s plan to simplify the company’s business model by withdrawing from the retail distribution channel. We intend to concentrate our attention and capital on our investment in Commercial Mutual Insurance Company,” said Barry Goldstein, DCAP’s Chairman and CEO
The demutualization of Commercial Mutual Insurance Company (“CMIC”) requires the issuance of a final order by the NYS Insurance Department. It is hoped that the order will be issued very soon. Thereafter, CMIC will communicate with its policyholders and former policyholders regarding the conversion. A meeting date will be set and a vote of the policyholders taken. A vote approving the conversion will result in a distribution of cash to policyholders who were insured by CMIC during the three year period prior to March 1, 2007. At the same time, DCAP will forgive the promissory notes issued by CMIC (and accrued interest) in exchange for the common shares of the new stock company to be called “Kingstone Insurance Company.”
“As a result of the agreement to sell our New York retail assets and our plan to sell our Pennsylvania retail assets, our financial statements for 2008 and going forward will reflect the retail business as discontinued operations (and our 2007 financial statements will be restated to reflect such reclassification). Due to the need to reclassify our retail businesses as discontinued operations, we have filed a Notification of Late Filing on Form 12b-25 with the Securities and Exchange Commission; we anticipate filing our Form 10-K with the SEC by April 15, 2009,” said Victor Brodsky, DCAP’s Chief Accounting Officer. “The financial effect of the sale of the 16 New York locations will be recorded in the second quarter of 2009 and is not anticipated to be of a material amount,” added Mr. Brodsky.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Car Insurance Estimate
by: Timothy F |
Are You Wealthy Yet?
by: Al Walker |
Here's a real simple way to become wealthy.
Start A Hauling/Shopping/Taxi Business
by: Jenny Harker |
Here is a simple business anyone with a van or SUV can perform: haul stuff for other people who don't have a way to do it themselves. |
What is Lead Generation? -
by: Jimmy Sturo |
Lead Generation is vital to all businesses. All companies try to attract new customers, and this is a kind of lead generation. |
Auto Insurance Rates
by: Sher Matsen |
will vary depending on the insurance agency, your driving record, and the type of insurance you are looking to purchase. I you are looking for affordable car insurance or truck insurance then read on. |
Are You Wealthy Yet?
by: Al Walker |
Here's a real simple way to become wealthy.