Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Car Insurance Estimate

by: Timothy F

Shopping around for a car insurance estimate is not something most people look forward to. It is one of the least exciting chores that is required in order to have a car on the road, but it is worth seeking out the most competitive car insurance estimate available. Although getting a car insurance estimate from a number of companies isn't a desirable task; many people spend far more than they absolutely have to each year on their auto insurance because they simply haven't taken the time to compare rates and policies with other auto insurance companies. It would be hard to find someone who would walk into an appliance store and decide to spend $200.00 more on a washer that offers the same exact quality and features as the one next to it that costs far less. It doesn't make too much sense to do the same thing with car insurance. 

Most of the time, a car insurance estimate will include collision, liability and comprehensive coverage on a vehicle. Most households have two or more vehicles and every car should be included when seeking out a car insurance estimate. There are a few things that can be done to make getting a car insurance estimate easier and more accurate especially when dealing with more than one car insurance company. 

One of the best things to do before looking for a car insurance estimate is to see exactly what the state requirements are as far as what the necessary minimum coverage is in order to have adequate coverage. This is something that might be better to do without the assistance of an insurance agency if possible because their job is to sell insurance and they make more money with the more coverage they are able to sell. 

In order to spend less time on the phone when looking for a car insurance estimate, it is a good idea to have a number of items handy including a driver's license, vehicle identification numbers, make, model and year of each car and even the name and contact information for the company that is financing all vehicles if applicable. There are also a number of factors that can be taken into consideration when seeking a car insurance estimate that may mean additional savings per year. Features on each auto including airbags, auto alarms, anti-lock brakes and other things may mean discounts on auto insurance. Some insurance companies will even offer discounts for having more than one policy with their company as well as insuring multiple cars through with their coverage. Additional discounts may be found through other things like accident-free driving record, defensive driving course incentives and other discounts. 

Other circumstances may cost a driver more with certain companies when looking for a car insurance estimate. Men under the age of 25, single drivers, younger drivers under the age of 21, the number of miles driven per day and even the kind of car that is driven can cost a person more money on car insurance when shopping around. The best part about this is that not one car insurance will probably charge the same amount of money for the same coverage so shopping around will prove that there are better choices available. 

About The Author 
Timothy is the webmaster and owner of " " and has been researching and reporting on Car Insurance Estimate solutions for years. Click Here ==> 

About the author:
About The Author 
Timothy is the webmaster and owner of " " and has been researching and reporting on Car Insurance Estimate solutions for years. Click Here ==>

Are You Wealthy Yet?

by: Al Walker

Here's a real simple way to become wealthy. 

Marty and his wife live at home with their 2 children. They own a 3 bedroom house in a middle class neighborhood and try to live within their means. Marty works full time in the Printing Industry, while his wife is in charge of the home and looking after the children. 

They've accumulated some credit card debt and have 2 years left  on a car loan. They try to stay out of debt as much as possible and together they've managed to contribute a total of $32,000 to their own Retirement Fund. It is kept in term deposits receiving 5% interest annually. 

Two years prior, the couple bought an older house that they fixed-up and rent out for $850 a month. After paying the mortgage and taxes $300 is left over each month. This goes into their savings account each month. 

At Christmas, the family bought themselves a new computer and decided to start a home-based business. Things started out fairly slowly but after 8 months they were receiving a steady check of $400 a month which also goes into their savings account. This part-time business will continue to grow with the effort they dedicate to it. 

This business also offers them some very lucrative tax savings. By taking advantage of these Tax Strategies they are able to save an additional $300 a month on tax that was normally deducted from Marty's paycheck at work. This monthly income is also added to the couple's savings. 

Marty has just begun writing an E-book about his "production expertise" at work. His plan is to market this book on the internet for profit 

Every Sunday the couple takes a drive to stay familiar with the Real Estate market in their area. They're looking for another property, a "handyman's special" to fix-up and rent out. They have saved enough for a down payment and their credit with the bank is well established. 

The family's total monthly expenses are $2000. Now, here's the question: 

Does Marty's family have Wealth yet? 

To answer this question properly you first have to understand exactly what "wealth" means.You achieve wealth when: *Your Passive Income is the same or greater than your Expenses.* So what does this mean? 

First, what is Passive Income? 

Passive Income is money that you are paid over and over again for work that you only do once. (This excludes using a gun or finding cash on the street) Some examples of this would be royalties for writing a book or a song, commissions that you receive for sales that others make and interest from bank savings or dividends on stocks/options that you own. 

Second, what Expenses are we talking about? This one's a little easier to understand. Expenses are the total amount it takes to run your household and your life. This includes, rent, mortgage payments, car insurance, food, credit card and loan payments, 

Let's look at Marty's family a little closer…………. Does Marty have any Passive Income? Yes he does. Marty's salary is not considered Passive Income. That's because he has to work 40 hours a week just to get the basic amount. If Marty doesn't go to work then he doesn't get paid. His overtime also doesn't count as Passive Income. 

The interest from their Retirement Fund does though. It's paid to him month after month as long as it's left in that account. So, $32,000 at 5% is $1600 a year. Divided by 12 months equals $133 a month in interest. Ok…..what else? 

After the mortgage and expenses are paid with the rent money they receive on their rental property they are left with $300 every month. This is Passive Income. Just as long as the tenant stays and pays his monthly rent. 

How bout that $400 from the home-based business and the Tax savings. Is this Passive Income? Well, Marty's wife made sure that she chose a company where she could sign new business accounts and get paid commissions on those accounts over and over again. They've made a 5 year commitment to build this business part-time. So yes, both the $400 and the $300 in Tax Savings would apply as Passive Income. Let's add up Marty's total Passive Income. 

Interest $166.00 Rental Income $300.00 Home Based Business$400.00 Tax Savings $300.00 Total $1166.00 
Not including Marty's salary from work, his family's Passive Income is $1166.00. Not bad. Every month this amount flows into the family's bank account, regardless of anything else they do. 

We said that Marty's monthly expenses total $2000.00 a month. And we also said………… You have Wealth when: *Your Passive Income is the same or greater than your Expenses.* 

$2000 Expenses subtract $1166 Passive Income = $834 monthly balance needed to have Wealth. 

Marty's Expenses are still more than their Passive Income so they're not wealthy just yet. But they're well over half-way there. With this kind of knowledge a family can know exactly where to focus their financial attention. 

Maybe when Marty writes that ebook he could get some sales and royalties from it. Also the new Real Estate and more work on their Home-based business would certainly help them to attain more Passive Income. Once Marty's Passive Income is more than the family's Expenses then Marty could start to have much more freedom. He may even choose to quit his job and continue developing his Passive Income streams. 

Take a look at your own finances. What are your monthly expenses? Do you have more Passive Income than your Expenses? If you do Congratulations. You're Wealthy!!! If you don't. It's time to get started and start adding Passive Income from other areas as soon as possible. 

When you truly understand this principle, you'll be well on your way to becoming wealthy 

About the author:
Al Walker, makes it easy to launch a successful online business and rapidly build your wealth to a six-figure income. Learn the 5 essential keys to online success. To receive your free 4-part mini-course visit:

Start A Hauling/Shopping/Taxi Business

by: Jenny Harker

Here is a simple business anyone with a van or SUV can perform: haul stuff for other people who don't have a way to do it themselves. 

You could move lawn mowers, bags of garden soil, playground equipment, Christmas trees, musical instruments, furniture, big dogs from the groomers-you get the idea. 

Starting this home business is easy. Make sure your vehicle is in good shape. Be sure your car insurance is up to date. You don't want any trouble if your vehicle should get into a fender-bender. 

Now, print up flyers advertising your business. Place the flyers in furniture stores, garden centers, grocery stores, laundromats, and wherever else you can find a bulletin board. College bulletin boards are prime hunting grounds for business. Also, place ads in your local newspaper. 

Once your business takes off your customers will soon be telling their friends, "Hey, I know a guy with a van who will haul it". Word of mouth is a priceless form of free advertising. 

How much you should charge for your service depends on what you're hauling and how far you have to haul it. You want to keep the price reasonable, or word will spread of your high prices and your customers will go elsewhere. Reasonable prices and friendly reliable service will build your hauling service fast. 

Here's another way to put your gas-guzzler to work: Start a grocery shopping service. 

Your customers would call or fax their grocery order to the supermarket. Your customer gives you the money to pay for the groceries. You go to the store and pick up the order for your client. 

The growing senior population would love this service. Make sure you place ads in the paper and flyers in supermarkets, laundromats, and senior citizen clubs. 

Here's one more way you can put your vehicle to work! If you have a safe driving record you could provide a taxi service for senior citizens and any latchkey kids who need to get to an after school activity. 

You could charge five or six dollars per trip. Give your frequent travelers a break by offering a free ride after a certain numbers of trips. 

It would be wise to provide the parents of any kids you transport proof you can be trusted. If the parents say it isn't necessary then insist they check out your driving record, car insurance, and whether or not you have a criminal record. You are protecting yourself by doing this. Bad things happen. You don't want to get caught in the crossfire. 

Make sure your vehicle is comfortable and clean for your travelers. Have a fully outfitted first aid kit, a primed fire hydrant, and a toolbox in your car. Accidents do happen, people, even to the safest of drivers. You need to consider the safety of your passengers so insist everyone buckle up. 

Prove to be a reliable and trustworthy taxi service and many other parents will soon have you shipping their kids to and from soccer practice. 

Hauling furniture, grocery shopping, and a taxi service. You use your vehicle to do these chores for yourself all the time. Start making money doing them for others! 

About the author:
Jenny Harker is on the hunt for fun new work at home ideas. Visit:http://jennyharker.blogspot.comtoday to read her other free money making ideas.

What is Lead Generation? -

by: Jimmy Sturo

Lead Generation is vital to all businesses. All companies try to attract new customers, and this is a kind of lead generation. 

Lead generation includes anything that a business does to gather a list of new or potential clients and involves a number of techniques used to create interest in potential customers. Some techniques commonly used for lead generation are direct mail, telemarketing, requests for proposals, requests for quotes, referrals, trade show demonstrations, seminars, and advertising. If done correctly, each of these methods will generate a list of interested potential clients for the business. 

Advertising is perhaps the most obvious way to generate leads. People who respond to a company's advertisements often become customers. Requests for proposals involve potential clients asking the business to come up with solutions and price ranges for particular problems or issues the customer may have. For example, if a city asks for a bid on a project from a construction contracting firm, then the contracting firm has generated a lead. 

Requests for quotes are similar—for example, car insurance companies offer free rate quotes. When the potential client asks for the quote, they give the insurance company information about themselves that the company can then save for future use. Direct mail is when a business sends out fliers or brochures to a large number of people in the hope of attaining new customers. When a business has employees make cold calls to a list of people, they are telemarketing. The business hopes that some people will listen to the callers and become interested in the business. Trade show demonstrations and seminars are designed to appeal to people who are already interested in the business's product. 

The business always tries to present itself as better than its competitors. Referrals are common in many types of business. Some firms use personal information to make lists of potential customers to be sold to interested businesses. 

Generating leads is a vital part of any sales related operation. Without knowing who may be interested in their products, companies would have no idea how to generate revenue and would have to rely solely on repeat business from existing customers. 

About the author:
Lead Generation Info provides detailed information about sales, mortage, MLM, business-to-business, internet, and insurance lead generation, lead generation telemarketing, and more. Lead Generation Info is the sister site of MLM Leads Web

Auto Insurance Rates


by: Sher Matsen


will vary depending on the insurance agency, your driving record, and the type of insurance you are looking to purchase. I you are looking for affordable car insurance or truck insurance then read on. 

There are ways to reduce your premiums without giving up coverage. One of the easiest things to do is get auto insurance rate quotes online. This will allow you to comparative shop stress free. 

Raising your deductibles is the easiest way to reduce your rates. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium will be. The deductible is the portion you will have to pay in the event of accident, before your insurance coverage steps in. It's important not to carry a deductible that's more than what you are able to pay. Your insurance company will not honor its portion of the claim until you've paid your deductible. However, the higher your deductible the lower your premium cost will be, so you need to find a 

Always remember to ask your insurance broker for any available discounts. Quite often we forget to ask and they don't seem to volunteer the information. A clean record on the current policy for a certain period of time, having your homeowner's coverage with the same insurer, taking a defensive driving course, having an accident free driving record, and having an approved anti-theft device will reduce your auto insurance rates. 

The type of car you drive can also reduce your rates. Stay away from cars that have a high class rating. Rates vary among the different makes and models of vehicles. The different rates are based on the risk of accident, cost to repair, higher theft rates for a particular model and replacement costs such as with a new vehicle. So be sure your vehicle isn't going to be in a category that increases your rates too much. 

A safe driving record consisting of no accidents and no traffic violations will get you the most substantial discount. Most insurance companies are very good at recognizing good driving habits. These are the drivers they want to insure because their risk is much lower. 

If the car is old and not very valuable, comprehensive insurance is probably not worth buying as it can quickly add up to more than you'd ever receive in the event of an accident. You can save up to 20% by eliminating collision insurance. You may want to opt not to carry collision insurance as well which can save you and additional 20%. 

Check around to make sure you are getting the best auto rates you can. Online auto insurance shopping has taken the guess work out of buying insurance and you can very quickly see if you are being hosed. So if your insurance is coming due now is the time to start shopping!. 

About the author:
Sher from The Auto Insurance Center has been serving customers for over 20 years. Please visit us at

Are You Wealthy Yet?


by: Al Walker

Here's a real simple way to become wealthy. 

Marty and his wife live at home with their 2 children. They own a 3 bedroom house in a middle class neighborhood and try to live within their means. Marty works full time in the Printing Industry, while his wife is in charge of the home and looking after the children. 

They've accumulated some credit card debt and have 2 years left  on a car loan. They try to stay out of debt as much as possible and together they've managed to contribute a total of $32,000 to their own Retirement Fund. It is kept in term deposits receiving 5% interest annually. 

Two years prior, the couple bought an older house that they fixed-up and rent out for $850 a month. After paying the mortgage and taxes $300 is left over each month. This goes into their savings account each month. 

At Christmas, the family bought themselves a new computer and decided to start a home-based business. Things started out fairly slowly but after 8 months they were receiving a steady check of $400 a month which also goes into their savings account. This part-time business will continue to grow with the effort they dedicate to it. 

This business also offers them some very lucrative tax savings. By taking advantage of these Tax Strategies they are able to save an additional $300 a month on tax that was normally deducted from Marty's paycheck at work. This monthly income is also added to the couple's savings. 

Marty has just begun writing an E-book about his "production expertise" at work. His plan is to market this book on the internet for profit 

Every Sunday the couple takes a drive to stay familiar with the Real Estate market in their area. They're looking for another property, a "handyman's special" to fix-up and rent out. They have saved enough for a down payment and their credit with the bank is well established. 

The family's total monthly expenses are $2000. Now, here's the question: 

Does Marty's family have Wealth yet? 

To answer this question properly you first have to understand exactly what "wealth" means.You achieve wealth when: *Your Passive Income is the same or greater than your Expenses.* So what does this mean? 

First, what is Passive Income? 

Passive Income is money that you are paid over and over again for work that you only do once. (This excludes using a gun or finding cash on the street) Some examples of this would be royalties for writing a book or a song, commissions that you receive for sales that others make and interest from bank savings or dividends on stocks/options that you own. 

Second, what Expenses are we talking about? This one's a little easier to understand. Expenses are the total amount it takes to run your household and your life. This includes, rent, mortgage payments, car insurance, food, credit card and loan payments, 

Let's look at Marty's family a little closer…………. Does Marty have any Passive Income? Yes he does. Marty's salary is not considered Passive Income. That's because he has to work 40 hours a week just to get the basic amount. If Marty doesn't go to work then he doesn't get paid. His overtime also doesn't count as Passive Income. 

The interest from their Retirement Fund does though. It's paid to him month after month as long as it's left in that account. So, $32,000 at 5% is $1600 a year. Divided by 12 months equals $133 a month in interest. Ok…..what else? 

After the mortgage and expenses are paid with the rent money they receive on their rental property they are left with $300 every month. This is Passive Income. Just as long as the tenant stays and pays his monthly rent. 

How bout that $400 from the home-based business and the Tax savings. Is this Passive Income? Well, Marty's wife made sure that she chose a company where she could sign new business accounts and get paid commissions on those accounts over and over again. They've made a 5 year commitment to build this business part-time. So yes, both the $400 and the $300 in Tax Savings would apply as Passive Income. Let's add up Marty's total Passive Income. 

Interest $166.00 Rental Income $300.00 Home Based Business$400.00 Tax Savings $300.00 Total $1166.00 
Not including Marty's salary from work, his family's Passive Income is $1166.00. Not bad. Every month this amount flows into the family's bank account, regardless of anything else they do. 

We said that Marty's monthly expenses total $2000.00 a month. And we also said………… You have Wealth when: *Your Passive Income is the same or greater than your Expenses.* 

$2000 Expenses subtract $1166 Passive Income = $834 monthly balance needed to have Wealth. 

Marty's Expenses are still more than their Passive Income so they're not wealthy just yet. But they're well over half-way there. With this kind of knowledge a family can know exactly where to focus their financial attention. 

Maybe when Marty writes that ebook he could get some sales and royalties from it. Also the new Real Estate and more work on their Home-based business would certainly help them to attain more Passive Income. Once Marty's Passive Income is more than the family's Expenses then Marty could start to have much more freedom. He may even choose to quit his job and continue developing his Passive Income streams. 

Take a look at your own finances. What are your monthly expenses? Do you have more Passive Income than your Expenses? If you do Congratulations. You're Wealthy!!! If you don't. It's time to get started and start adding Passive Income from other areas as soon as possible. 

When you truly understand this principle, you'll be well on your way to becoming wealthy 

About the author:
Al Walker, makes it easy to launch a successful online business and rapidly build your wealth to a six-figure income. Learn the 5 essential keys to online success. To receive your free 4-part mini-course visit:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sandy Whole Life Insurance - Asuransi Jiwa Mesquite Online - Bossier City Term LifeAsuransi 478

Top of Form

Saya baru saja merilis sebuah groundbreaking lapor akan menampilkan dalam cara yang jelas dan ringkas mengapa mempekerjakan Mei penasihat investasi yang paling mahal kesalahan akan pernah membuat Anda - dan apa yang menjadi alternatif yang menguntungkan. Ada dualuas kategori kehidupan insuranceterm dan permanen. Aplikasi umumnya dapat dilakukan melalui telepon dengan agen atau selesai pada akhir di lain waktu dekat jadwal Anda.

Kebijakan ini dirancang untuk dewasa ketika Anda mencapai usia 100 tahun. Nasional kolumnis sindikasi keuangan dan Certified Financial Planner Voudrie Jeffrey menyediakan pribadi, mendalam dalam pengelolaan uang jasa dan saran untuk memilih klien swasta di seluruh Indonesia. Hal ini tidak terjangkau bagi banyak orang yang pensiun atau mendekati pensiun. Rule 4, dalam hal kematian klub akan menjaga tabungan!. Aturan 2, setelah account tumbuh setelah beberapa tahun klub akan membayar 2 1 / 2% hingga 3 1 / 2% bunga.

Straight Life asuransi mengharuskan Anda melakukan pembayaran premi untuk seluruh hidup sampai usia 100 tahun. Anda biasanya memiliki tiga puluh hari dalam periode peninjauan yang dapat membatalkan kebijakan dan pengembalian dana. Anda mungkin telah melihat beberapa tv commercials pada berbicara tentang bagaimana mereka bayar mereka untuk hidupasuransi dengan "cadangan mengubah" disimpan dalam kendi setiap hari?.

Jika anda memperbarui kebijakan pada akhir istilah, Anda akan meningkatkan biaya asuransi. Kebijakan ini dirancang untuk dewasa ketika Anda mencapai usia 100 tahun. Anda biasanya memiliki tiga puluh hari dalam periode peninjauan yang dapat membatalkan kebijakan dan pengembalian dana. I don't think it harus digunakan bila Anda ingin memberikan untuk keluarga Anda dalam hal kematian yang prematur.

Dengan nilai nominal adalah jumlah yang pada awalnya kebijakan untuk membayar. Hasilnya adalah banyak konflik kepentingan antara kebutuhan pelanggan dan keinginan pemilik agen. Anyway, berikut adalah beberapa hal yang yang perlu anda ketahui sebelum anda membeli salah satu kebijakan tersebut.

Setelah mentah biaya asuransi Anda lebih besar daripada premi, yang diambil dari cadangan. Voudrie menyediakan pribadi, uang pribadi manajemen pelayanan kepada klien nasional. Pada permukaan, mungkin ada yang tampaknya shouldnt be banyak perbedaan antara premium pada tahun 20-istilahuniversal dan kebijakan yang sama dengan kematian keuntungan. Ide dasar dibalik asuransi jiwa adalah bahwa jika anda mati sebelum waktunya, akan ada pot ada uang untuk menangani masalah dengan orang-orang terkasih. Biarkan saya menjelaskan kepada Anda di sini apa yang terjadi pada saat Anda mati plus apa yang terjadi pada bagian tabungan.

Pada usia 100 Anda akan menerima "nilai nominal" dari kebijakan. Jika Anda membatalkan polis, Anda menerima jumlah sama dengan jumlah ini. Premi tahunan untuk 45-tahun manusia baik untuk kesehatan $ 1000000 dalam cakupan adalah $ 1400 per tahun untuk 20 tahun. Kebetulan kematian kebijakan hanya membayar manfaat kematian bila diasuransikan dari orang meninggal karena kebetulan, bukan karena alam.

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Insurance / Asuransi

Diposkan oleh Arriful Affandy


Asuransi adalah sebuah sistem untuk merendahkan kehilangan finansial dengan menyalurkan risiko kehilangan dari seseorang atau badan ke lainnya.

Asuransi dalam Undang-Undang No.2 Th 1992 tentang usaha perasuransian adalah perjanjian antara dua pihak atau lebih, dengan mana pihak penanggung mengikatkan diri kepada tertanggung, dengan menerima premi asuransi, untuk memberikan penggantian kepada tertanggung karena kerugian, kerusakan atau kehilangan keuntungan yang diharapkan atau tanggung jawab hukum pihak ke tiga yang mungkin akan diderita tertanggung, yang timbul dari suatu peristiwa yang tidak pasti, atau memberikan suatu pembayaran yang didasarkan atas meninggal atau hidupnya seseorang yang dipertanggungkan.

Badan yang menyalurkan risiko disebut "tertanggung", dan badan yang menerima resiko disebut "penanggung". Perjanjian antara kedua badan ini disebut kebijakan: ini adalah sebuah kontrak legal yang menjelaskan setiap istilah dan kondisi yang dilindungi. Biaya yang dibayar oleh "tetanggung" kepada "penanggung" untuk risiko yang ditanggung disebut "premi". Ini biasanya ditentukan oleh "penanggung" untuk dana yang bisa diklaim di masa depan, biaya administratif, dan keuntungan.
Contohnya, seorang pasangan membeli rumah seharga Rp. 100 juta. Mengetahui bahwa kehilangan rumah mereka akan membawa mereka kepada kehancuran finansial, mereka mengambil perlindungan asuransi dalam bentuk kebijakan kepemilikan rumah. Kebijakan tersebut akan membayar penggantian atau perbaikan rumah mereka bila terjadi bencana. Perusahaan asuransi mengenai mereka premi sebesar Rp1 juta per tahun. Risiko kehilangan rumah telah disalurkan dari pemilik rumah ke perusahaan asuransi.
Penanggung menggunakan ilmu aktuaria untuk menghitung risiko yang mereka perkirakan. Ilmu aktuaria menggunakan matematika, terutama statistika dan probabilitas, yang dapat digunakan untuk melindungi risiko untuk memperkirakan klaim di kemudian hari dengan ketepatan yang dapat diandalkan.
Contohnya, banyak orang membeli kebijakan asuransi kepemilikan rumah dan kemudian mereka membayar premi kepada perusahaan asuransi. Bila kehilangan yang dilindungi terjadi, penanggung harus membayar klaim. Bagi beberapa tertanggung, keuntungan asuransi yang mereka terima jauh lebih besar dari uang yang mereka telah bayarkan kepada penanggung. Lainnya mungkin tidak membuat klaim. Kalau dirata-ratakan dari seluruh kebijakan yang dijual, total klaim yang dibayar keluar lebih rendah dibanding total premi yang dibayar kepada tertanggung, dengan perbedaannya adalah biaya dan keuntungan.
Perusahaan asuransi juga mendapatkan keuntungan investasi. Ini diperoleh dari investasi premi yang diterima sampai mereka harus membayar klaim. Uang ini disebut "float". Penanggung bisa mendapatkan keuntungan atau kerugian dari harga perubahan float dan juga suku bunga atau deviden di float. Di Amerika Serikat, kehilangan properti dan kematian yang tercatat oleh perusahaan asuransi adalah US$142,3 milyar dalam waktu lima tahun yang berakhir pada 2003. Tetapi keuntungan total di periode yang sama adalah US$68,4 milyar, sebagai hasil dari float.
Beberapa orang menganggap asuransi sebagai suatu bentuk taruhan yang berlaku selama periode kebijakan. Perusahaan asuransi bertaruh bahwa properti pembeli tidak akan hilang ketika pembeli membayarkan uangnya. Perbedaan di biaya yang dibayar kepada perusahaan asuransi melawan dengan jumlah yang dapat mereka terima bila kecelakaan terjadi hampir sama dengan bila seseorang bertaruh di balap kuda (misalnya, 10 banding 1). Karena alasan ini, beberapa kelompok agama termasuk Amish menghindari asuransi dan bergantung kepada dukungan yang diterima oleh komunitas mereka ketika bencana terjadi. Di komunitas yang hubungan erat dan mendukung di mana orang-orangnya dapat saling membantu untuk membangun kembali properti yang hilang, rencana ini dapat bekerja. Kebanyakan masyarakat tidak dapat secara efektif mendukung sistem seperti di atas dan sistem ini tidak akan bekerja untuk resiko besar.